Twenty Years of
I have a new look! I would say it’s in honor of’s 20th anniversary, but it’s mainly due to my terrible relationship with Wordpress. We had one too many “fatal errors,” and I finally made the move over to SquareSpace, who has hosted my business site without issue for many years now.
Twenty years of me ruminating in a public space that barely anyone knows about! It was so novel back in the day and now is pretty much outdated (who blogs anymore?!?!). I should get a Tiktok (I have one. I only follow one person, and I never post). I should be queen of many Reddit forums. I should evolve. People always wonder, “How can you monetize this?” I mean I did make those shirts once, but I literally bought them myself and gave them all away.
If I’ve learned anything about myself, I pretty much just do what I want (as much as that is possible). I like to write. I like people to read the writing but not TOO many people. At its inception, having a website (and not needing the ability to code much at all) was still pretty unique. There were “galleries” where I put photos. I was Instagram early on. I created a basic spreadsheet reviewing movie theatre in Los Angeles. I reviewed films. I wrote nonsense. I had a logo designed for me and bumper stickers made. When I had to share something about myself to a group of people, I would proudly declare, “I have my own website,” and that was considered something interesting.
Between then and now, social media happened and provided much easier and better ways to do pretty much all of it. But I could never let it go. I MEAN IT IS MY NAME. GoDaddy tells me the domain is worth $700 now. I can’t imagine that’s an accurate number. They are probably betting on the fact that I would sell it and then want it back right away. Just like the L.A. Fitness membership I held onto for so long because “it’s only $20 a month,” I can’t let it go.
As you know loyal readers, it’s been pretty much a blog for the past 10+ years. Some years more active than others. The entire contents wiped every several years due to probably some fault of my own. It’s still here! Because I still enjoy writing. Because my massive emails seem intrusive, and my written thoughts need a place to live. Because I’m an introvert who would rather ask questions than to ever open up, but I still want to be understood.
So here we are. A new hosting platform! The same site address. A new look! My big ideas that this space is one day going to have multi media madness OR actually have a target audience fade away to the reality that I have about 15 minutes a week to dedicate to this space. I make no promises other than to say I will remain on the internet as long as it will have me (Wordpress I see you trying to get rid of me, but I’m stubborn!). Thanks for newly discovering this space or for following me all along. It means so much. Can someone design me a new logo?