Outrageous Resolutions
Let me tell you how I used to love a new year. I would have roughly a dozen resolutions ready to go, along with a succinct recap of the past year & blinding optimism about the upcoming year. If there is one thing my brain loves to do, it’s analyze ways to make myself better! “You want me to come up with a resolution? I can come up with 24 in roughly 2 minutes!” The other day this all happened while running down a single street: “My resolution could be creating a nighttime routine for myself…well why not a morning routine, too…I really need to be taking those vitamins…better yet how can I incorporate more veggies into every meal…can I have a salad for breakfast…cut out caffeine” You get the idea.
A friend re-posted something about reframing a resolution as being easy, fun and “outrageous.” I latched onto this idea right away. Yes! Let’s not make a resolution attached to negativity. Let’s not even make it hard. Let’s make it fun! But outrageous?! What would that even be? I am so lame at this moment in my life that the only idea I could come up with involved having a movie night once a month. It is embarrassing to admit how routine I am that this would be outrageous. The internet was of no help either. When I googled using “outrageous” in the search with “resolutions” I got these thrilling suggestions: “speak only in rhymes at dinner or write a letter with a non-dominant hand.” At least I’m not the only boring one around here!
I thought maybe if I could define the word, I could come up with something better. Outrageous= very bold and unusual, shocking! Whipped cream in my cold brew? I need help! Do I start my mornings by jumping in my pool? Wear sparkling eye shadow to school drop off? All this to say, I have nothing at the moment. Shocking is low on my list of daily aspirations, but it is intriguing. I need some help: if you are reading, add a comment, email me, text me or DM me a shocking and fun idea! Do you have a resolution? If so I applaud you. And Happy 2024. May this be an outrageous year for us all.